5 Ways A Compliance Officer Is Like A Swiss Army Knife

bigstock-Red-Army-Knife-multi-tool-on--53358448It will come as no surprise to any compliance officer that the skill sets they must possess often stray far from any “textbook” definition of the job. What they may not consider is that, at times, their job may have a lot in common with the more exotic skill sets required of spies, gamblers, and diplomats.

Compliance officers are often treated as the corporate equivalent of a Swiss Army knife—a multi-disciplined tool ready to handle any problem shuffled upon them.  The compliance officer is expected to be multi lingual in the sense that he or she is speaking the languages of lawyers, regulators, HR, auditors, bankers, investors, and whatever other specialists populate the marketplace and supply chain.

Learn How Compliance Auditors Can Better Manage WHS

bigstock-Word-cloud--safety-56606669Workplace safety is not only a moral obligation but also one that can carry legal ramifications should your obligations not be met.  Australian law dictates strong workplace safety laws under the WHS Act. Specifically this means, persons conducting a business or undertaking are required to monitor the health of workers and the conditions at the workplace to ensure safety is maintained within the workplace.  It really can be a matter of life or death for employees.

8 Steps to Help Compliance Officers Audit Their Mass Management System


Whether you are a Mass Management accredited operator or not you should be striving to maximise the capability of your fleet (return on investment) whilst ensuring continued compliance with the Road Transport and Safety laws.  

On a daily basis we come across operators (large and small) who for one reason or another have not invested in formalising their approach to Mass Management. These operators, miss out on the immediate productivity and efficiency gains and ultimately become less competitive in this thriving transport and logistics market. The freight task is growing at a rapid rate and if you want to continue to be a player you need to demonstrate to your supply chain that you have the required systems in place to give them assurance that you can deliver best value for money.